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The Miracles of Jesus week 3

Writer's picture: versaillesumcversaillesumc

Uncertain Future

LUKE 5:1-11 

1 One day Jesus was standing beside Lake Gennesaret (sea of Galilee) when the crowd pressed in around him to hear God’s word. 2 Jesus saw two boats sitting by the lake. The fishermen had gone ashore and were washing their nets. 3 Jesus boarded one of the boats, the one that belonged to Simon, then asked him to row out a little distance from the shore. Jesus sat down and taught the crowds from the boat. 4 When he finished speaking to the crowds, he said to Simon, “Row out farther, into the deep water, and drop your nets for a catch.” 5 Simon replied, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and caught nothing. But because you say so, I’ll drop the nets.” 6 So they dropped the nets and their catch was so huge that their nets were splitting. 7 They signaled for their partners in the other boat to come and help them. They filled both boats so full that they were about to sink. 8 When Simon Peter saw the catch, he fell at Jesus’ knees and said, “Leave me, Lord, for I’m a sinner!” 9 Peter and those with him were overcome with amazement because of the number of fish they caught. 10 James and John, Zebedee’s sons, were Simon’s partners and they were amazed too. Jesus said to Simon, “Don’t be afraid. From now on, you will be fishing for people.” 11 As soon as they brought the boats to the shore, they left everything and followed Jesus. 

1.God is in the CALLING business! (v.1-3)

2. Jesus creates a dilemma (v.4)

(a). follow Him & be His disciple or...

(b). keep fishing 

3. When we answer God’s CALL the destination is often Uncertain (v.5)

“Faith means believing in advance what will only make sense in reverse.”  - Phillip Yancey

4. Result of Obedience (v.6)

6"So they threw out their nets and the catch was so huge that their nets were splitting. 

They signaled for their partners in the other boat to come and help them. They filled both boats so full that they were about to sink. When Simon Peter saw the catch, he fell at Jesus’ knees and said, "Leave me, Lord, for I’m a sinner!" Peter and those with him were overcome with amazement because of the number of fish they caught. James and John, Zebedee’s sons, were Simon’s partners and they were amazed too.”

5. Fishers of people (v.10)

Jesus said to Simon, "Don’t be afraid. From now on, you will be fishing for people." 

As soon as they brought the boats to the shore, they left everything and followed Jesus 

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