Welcome to Versailles United Methodist Church
Welcome to VUMC! We are delighted to have you worship with us today. You can record your attendance HERE. If you are visiting with us, tap HERE to fill out the visitor card.
We would love for you to call us home!
Welcome Children – We welcome children in our worship services.
Children will be dismissed to Kid’s Worship on the 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month.
Parents you may pick up your Children in RM #119
Nursery is available every Sunday in RM #108 for kids 4 and under.
10:30 am Worship
Praise and Worship
House of the Lord
Holy is the Lord
Above All
Affirmation of Faith
The Apostle’s Creed
Praise and Worship
Holy Forever
Welcome and Announcements
Pastoral Prayer and The Lord’s Prayer
God is Holy - Matthew 6:9 Sermon Notes
Closing Worship
Good, Good Father
We Praise You
All words & music are used by permission granted under CCLI License #1357402
What's Happening at VUMC
Seekers Class is studying 1st Peter: 9:15 am Room 114.
Women's Discipleship Class is currently studying Jennifer Rothschild book, Hosea. All ladies are invited to meet at 9:15 in room 116.
VUMC Men's Discipleship Class is currently studying the study of Acts. All men are invited to attend at 9:15, room 117.
J.O.Y Life Group J.O.Y will begin Monday, September 9, 10:00am. The meetings are every other Monday at 10:00 am in he conference room.. This fall they will be studying the book of Romans. All ladies are invited, welcomed and encouraged to attend. For more information call Linda Cook 859-509-8467.
Save the Date! Generations of Grace September 23 6 - 7:30pm. Details coming soon!