Welcome to Versailles United Methodist Church REACH GROW SEND
September 29, 2024
Welcome to VUMC! We are delighted to have you worship with us today. Please record your attendance by scanning the QR code or signing the clipboard on the chair located in your row We would love for you to call us home!
Welcome Children – We welcome children in our worship services. Children will be dismissed to Kid’s Worship on the second—fourth Sundays of the month. Parents you may pick up your Children in RM #119 Nursery is available every Sunday in RM #108 for kids 4 and under.
9:15am Traditional Worship
Prelude - Samantha Gover
Responsive Reading
To God Be the Glory #98
The Apostle’s Creed
*Gloria Patri
*Jesus, The Very Thought of Thee #175
Welcome & Announcements
Pastoral Prayer and The Lord’s Prayer
Message - From Temptation to Glory, Rev. William Herndon
Matthew 6:13, 1 Chronicles 29:11
*O Jesus, I Have Promised #396
Choral Response - Amen
Postlude - Samantha Gover
10:30am Contemporary Worship
He Reigns
I Stand Amazed
Here I Am to Worship
The Apostle’s Creed
Welcome & Announcements
Pastoral Prayer and The Lord’s Prayer
Message From Temptation to Glory, Rev. William Herndon
Matthew 6:13, 1 Chronicles 29:11
Lord, I Need You
We Believe
Sunday, Sept 22
9:15 am Traditional Worship
9:15 am Life Groups
10:15 am Fellowship Time
10:30 am Modern Worship
10:30 am Life Groups
4:00 pm Youth
Monday, Sept 23
9:45am Academy chapel
6:00 Jail Ministry
6:00 Generations of Grace
Tuesday, Sept 24
6:00 pm Men's Jail Ministry
Wednesday, Sept 25
6:30 pm Chancel Choir
7:30pm Praise Team Prep
Thursday, Sept 26
7:00 pm AA
Sunday, September 29
9:15 am Traditional Worship & Life Groups
10:15 am Fellowship Time
10:30 am Modern Worship & Life Groups
4:00 pm Youth
Senior Pastor William Herndon wherndon@kyumc.net
Pastor of Worship & Technology Michael Hall versaillesumcworshipteam@gmail.com
Pastor of Families Abby Teberg versaillesumckids@gmail.com
The Academy Director Abbey Maxberry theacademyvumc@gmail.com
5th Sunday Offering Today is a 5th Sunday offering for KYUM Children’s Home. You can place your offering in the offering box.
Seekers Class is studying 1st Peter: Room 114.
Women's Discipleship Class is studying Jennifer Rothschild book, Hosea. All ladies are invited to meet in room 116.
VUMC Men's Discipleship Class is studying the book of Acts. All men are invited to attend.
Time Capsule will be opened October 6 . All items will be returned to the box and items of interest, since 1984. will be added. The capsule will be buried in the church garden after the worship service. If you have a suggestion or an item that you think should be included, please check with Donita Lodmell. All items will be considered for inclusion.
Combined Worship Service We are having a combined worship service, October 13 at 10:30am. Simpson Chapel UMC will be joining us in worship. Pastor Robert Lewis will share the sermon, and both the Simpson UMC choir and the Versailles UMC choir will come together in worship. Following the service, we will enjoy a potluck lunch to "break bread" together, featuring BBQ as the main dish. We kindly ask attendees to bring two side dishes to share.
Bicentennial Moment:
October 6 Opening and closing Time Capsule
October 13 Combined worship Simpson and VUMC - BBQ Lunch after service.
October 20 Continuing to Grow -Honors, Remembrances Fall Festival at Pavilion after service.