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Blessing Box Outreach 

A Blessing Box is an Emergency food pantry for our community who may be in need of food items. Inside this Box will have Local resources to help that person who is in need with additional resources. They may come & Take a little or you can Leave a little at any time. If you would like to know more about the Blessing box program, watch the video below

Backpack Buddies Outreach 

Versailles UMC backpack program meets the needs of hungry children by providing them with nutritious and easy-to-prepare food to take home on weekends and school vacations when other resources are not available. The program was started in the Fall of 2018 to support students at Woodford County Middle School and Woodford County High School and has already expanded the number of students it serves each week. 

An annual study by Feeding America reveals that 17 percent of the population in Kentucky is food insecure - 743,310 people - while the statistic is worse among children. Over 22 percent of children in Kentucky are food insecure - 222,380 children. The latest data shows that 12 percent of the population of Woodford County is food insecure - showing a direct need in our community for a backpack program. 


There are many ways to get involved and serve, from organizing supplies, stuffing backpacks, delivering to schools, and more. If you are interested in supporting children through the backpack program, please contact the church at (859) 873-4304

3rd Monday Community Meal

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